The former Work and Play building is being revitalized under adaptive reuse principals. Renovations will include an exterior facelift with refurbished retail space being maintained on the main floor and 4 rental suites (2 – 2 bedrooms and 2 – 1 bedrooms) on the upper level. CODC has been meeting with a number of possible tenants for the retail space and plan to have an announcement in the near future.
This first investment is limited to 50 people investing $12,000 each with an expected return of 5% per annum. Since the Cooperative was announced, 20 commitments towards this first investment have been received. In addition to its first project, CODC will be seeking public input towards future projects. Other projects that have been discussed have included a seniors housing complex and a chair lift/resort development for the ski hill.
If you are interested in investing, or would like more information:
Please contact Lisa Lockhart 403-563-7368 or email info@codcoop.org